The Conference of Italian University Rectors condemns war of any form
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On October 19th, during the CRUI General Assembly, the Italian rectors shared the initiatives put in place in each university following the new outbreak of the middle eastern conflict.
Due to the recent clashes, CRUI member universities, wish to send a warm message of reassurance and closeness to the students coming from the war zones and studying at Italian Universities as well as one of lively solidarity with students, teachers and staff members involved in the crisis areas.
The CRUI universities also underline how they are, by their nature, a place of encounter and dialogue between cultures as well as a place for developing critical and rational thinking, which are fundamental tools for any peace building: in the Middle East as well as in all other places, unfortunately numerous, where the drama of war is experienced.
In order to make this idea concrete, the CRUI and its university members, on October 27th will display on their websites a peace flag blackened in mourning. Furthermore, throughout November they will observe a minute's silence for the victims of all conflicts at the beginning of any meeting of the academic bodies.
Rome, October 19th, 2023.