Sustainability: a French-Italian joint response for universities
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The challenges of sustainability in the academic and research environment: a French-Italian joint response
Milano, September 28th, 2021
(Politecnico di Milano – P.zza Leonardo da Vinci 32)
Franco-Italian scientific and university cooperation is based both on the programs managed by the Franco-Italian University, created in 1998, and on the Framework Agreement signed on 22 October 2020 by the Conférence des Présidents d'Universités (CPU) and the Conference of Italian University Rectors (CRUI).
- Sustainable Development Goals, also in relation to the COP 26 co-chaired by Italy
- European Universities (16 of which include both Italian and French partners).
- A Franco-Italian high-level forum on research and innovation for sustainable development, to define the Franco-Italian research priorities in the field of sustainable development and the key sectors for future academic-scientific collaborations.
- A round table on the commitment of universities and their students to sustainable development, on topics related to: digital footprint in the context of digital transformation of universities, "green campus" initiatives, university and student networks for sustainability, and training for sustainable development.
- Programme
Follow the event on streaming at: - Youtube (in original language: Italian and French)
- Zoom (with simultaneous translation in English)