The LyMIT project is financed by the Italian Ministry for Economic Development (MiSE)-Department for business companies and the internationalization, within the initiatives in favor of the Mediterranean Countries of the extraordinary campaign for the promotion of Made in Italy 2010 (project cod. MI 2010 A 5.2).
LyMIT intends to support the Italian companies operating in Libya in the promotion of Made in Italy products, but it would also like to respond to the training needs expressed by Libya following the ongoing reform process, and with reference to the policies of territorial development.
Aims and objectives
The primary aim of this training activity is both assisting Italian business and assuring personal, social, professional and cultural growth to all the people involved (students).
Fostering a new and updated process of economic and cultural relations between Italy and Libya, in particular for some productive sectors, requires having adequate local personnel trained for:
- supporting the Italian companies operating in Libya to develop their activities and relationship with local stakeholders;
- increasing competitiveness, productivity, integration, social cohesion and cooperation in local areas;
- promoting the growth of human resources in professional fields useful for the Libyan economic development;
- enhancing specific productive sectors and Made in Italy products
Training activities are addressed to 20 people, between 20 and 30 years old, with a Degree in Engineering, Sciences, or Economics, and good knowledge of English language.
Goal of the training course:
The proposed high-education course has the purpose to help young Libyan students, with engineering, economics or scientific background, to develop hard and soft skills in order to manage projects and productive processes in international business companies.
The programme provided the fundamental concepts of:
. Business organization (processes and products)
. Information and communication technologies
. Management of projects and processes
. Human resources and enterprise organization
. Communication and marketing
. Quality management environment and innovation systems
One of the aim of the project is assisting Italian business and supporting the Italian companies operating in Libya to develop their activities and relationship with local stakeholders. The course also responded to the training needs expressed by Libya as a follow-up to the ongoing reform process and with reference to the policies of territorial development. Moreover, it has also contributed to the personal, social, and professional growth of all the students involved.
The partnership with the Libyan Ministry for Industry and the attention that it put to the development of the course give clear evidence of the appreciation of the Libyan Authorities towards this projects and its results, as well as an acknowledgment of the Italian efforts to sustain the democratization and the international re-launch of the Country.
The teaching methodology improved (integration between formal and on-the-job training, included an internship period in Italian companies) and the positive reaction of the students suggest that this is a valuable tool for the promotion of Made in Italy in the Mediterranean Area, but also in other areas.
At the end of the course, the LyMIT students will receive an Attendance Certificate describing the results gained in order to make the competences acquired transparent and comprehensible.